Sunday, April 13, 2008

Screwtape Letter # 20

The letter I chose to write about was letter 20. In this letter the patient is going through a very calm time in his life. He has resisted all temptation but has also learned that it goes away just as quickly as it comes. Screwtape tries to tell Wormwood to find the patient an unsuitable woman to marry without the emotional attachments. He also says a culture's taste in females is manipulated by the devil in the media. I think that this idea is to remove men from the reality of women through the media's manipulation. By doing this men are unable to love because of the unrealistic images they've received from the media and our culture today. Screwtape is fully aware of this manipulation and is using it to his advantage on the patient.


Jacki said...

I completely agree with your interpretation of Letter 20, and I see what Screwtape is talking about in society today. I really like when you said men are unable to love because of this incorrect image they have of women due to the media. It is so sad how this actually does occur today, and that women are portrayed in such a faulty and unnatural way.

Melissa Purta said...

I agree with what you had to say about Letter 20. I also wrote on this and thought you got a good sense of the whole chapter. I liked what you had to say about the manipulation by the devil in the media becuase it's still apparent in society today. I also like what you got out of what they had said about how temptation goes away just as quick as it comes.